Ресторан ПОС систем

једноставан систем продаје ресторана и барова

Пробајте бесплатно

Зашто користити конобар

Повећајте приход

Брза услуга

Боље одлуке


Са нашим бесплатним градитељем веб страница можете изградити ефикасну веб локацију за свој ресторан и почети прихватати наруџбе на мрежи. Сада можете повећати свој ресторан тако што ћете привући купце на мрежи. Ово ће значајно повећати вашу продају!


Наш брз и ефикасан систем продајних места чини много лакшим управљање вашим рестораном и опслуживање ваших купаца. Са нашим системским угоститељским пословима, попут прихватања наруџбина, управљања особљем, генерисање фактура постаје системско. Ово значајно побољшава квалитет услуге вашег ресторана!


Наш продајни систем може генерисати извештаје о продаји за ваш ресторан. Ово ће вам дати драгоцене пословне увиде јер ћете знати шта добро функционише за ваше пословање. Можете доносити боље пословне одлуке и повећати свој профит!

Управљајте наруџбама ресторана у 4 једноставна корака

Ваитерио окупља особље ресторана уз несметану комуникацију

Конобар уноси налог купца у апликацију Ваитерио (доступно на било којем уређају).
Кухар припрема наруџбу добијену од термалног штампача или кухињског екрана.
Кухар означи наруџбу као спремну, а конобар је доноси на сто купца.
Благајна штампа рачун и прихвата плаћање готовином или картицом.

Карактеристике ресторана

Управљање рестораном може постати врло једноставно ако користите моћан ПОС софтвер. Ево како вам Ваитерио ПОС може помоћи да без напора управљате својим рестораном.

Менаџмент налог

  • Примајте поруџбине на било ком таблету или паметном телефону са било ког места у ресторану.
  • Поруџбине се појављују у реалном времену на екрану кухињског екрана, а штампач аутоматски штампа рачун.
  • Означите поруџбине вашег ресторана када су спремне, послужене или плаћене.
  • Извршене наруџбе се не приказују како би се избегла забуна у кухињи.
  • Ажурирајте или откажите поруџбине лако за неколико секунди.
taking order on tablet
manage tables in restaurant

Управљање столом

  • Направите мапу свог ресторана додавањем табела различитих облика, величина и доделите им бројеве.
  • Додајте више соба, различите подове или отворене просторе за седење за свој ресторан.
  • Наруџбе примајте директно избором табеле на мапи или њеног броја.
  • Прегледајте ажурирања свих поруџбина ресторана уживо путем мапе столова.

Управљање менијем

  • Направите мени и додајте категорије за различите врсте хране.
  • Увезите цео мени ресторана директно из текстуалне датотеке на уређају.
  • Додајте фотографије у ставке менија. Такође можете да додате опције за прилагођавање својим купцима.
  • Сакријте ставке менија ако их нема на залихама или ако нису доступне.
  • Лако мењајте категорије и ставке менија.
  • Доделите различите штампаче за вашу кухињу, бар и бројач готовине.
manage restaurant menu
manage restaurant staff

Менаџмент особља

  • Лако позовите чланове особља путем њихове адресе е-поште.
  • Доделите појединачне улоге сваком члану особља. Сваки члан имаће ограничен приступ софтверу ресторана због безбедности.
  • Конобари се аутоматски додељују столу док преузимају поруџбину.
  • Менији се аутоматски синхронизују за све чланове особља.
  • Сваки члан особља може погледати све текуће наруџбе ресторана.

Плаћање и попуст

  • Изаберите различите начине плаћања за исти рачун.Сазнајте више
  • Понудите попусте купцима. Можете понудити фиксни или процентуални попуст.
  • Укључите или искључите порез аутоматски у рачун.
  • Створите засебне рачуне када купци желе да плаћају одвојено.
taking credit card payment and giving discount
report analysis

Извештаји о продаји

  • Погледајте дневни, недељни, месечни обим продаје. Извештаје о продаји можете добити и између прилагођених периода.
  • Сазнајте своје најпродаваније ставке у менију.
  • Сазнајте колики је приход сваки конобар остварио за ваш ресторан.
  • Сазнајте детаљне информације попут начина плаћања, датума итд. За било коју наруџбину хране.
  • Преузмите и прегледајте извештаје на уређају.

Брза подршка

  • У случају да имате било каквих проблема, слободно контактирајте наш пријатељски тим за подршку.
  • Само-дијагностикујте за неколико минута читајући свеобухватне водиче и документацију.
  • Пошаљите нам снимке екрана са свог уређаја, директно кроз апликацију Ваитерио.Сазнајте више
  • Сви ваши подаци се чувају у нашој бази података у облаку, тако да не морате бринути о губитку података.
giving customer support


Ваитерио ради на свим главним оперативним системима и подржава све термалне штампаче. Не морате купити ексклузивни хардвер за употребу нашег ПОС софтвера.

Било који уређај

Ваитерио можете да користите на таблету, паметном телефону, телевизору, лаптопу и стоном рачунару. Ваитерио ради на свим оперативним системима као што су Андроид, иОС, Виндовс, мацОС и Линук.

hardware supports iphone
hardware support imac
Mac OS X
hardware support tablet
hardware support windows

Било који штампач

Ваитерио подржава све термалне штампаче. Многе компаније подржавају само један или два бренда који вас присиљавају да купујете њихов скупи хардвер.

Прихватите све начине плаћања

Дајте више флексибилности купцима нудећи више начина плаћања да прихвате плаћање.

payment method credit cards

Обрада кредитне картице

Користите било коју машину за обраду кредитних картица да бисте прихватили плаћање било којом картицом.

payment method vouchers


Прихватите плаћање путем ваучера које дајете лојалним купцима.

cash payment method


Користите најтрадиционалнији и најчешћи начин прихватања готовине.

Интернет наручивање

Људи обожавају наручивање хране путем интернета и ми је волимо служити. Помоћу наших интегрисаних ПОС система и система за наручивање на мрежи можете олакшати овај процес себи и својим клијентима.

Сазнајте вишеonline ordering overview

Често постављана питања

How to setup a thermal printer with Ethernet cable?
These instructions will help you setup any Ethernet LAN thermal printer. This tutorial does NOT cover usb, bluetooth and wifi thermal printers. Thermal printers with Ethernet cable are not supported from the www.waiterio.com webapp.
Install the app for Android, iOS, Windows or macOS.

A) Find out the IP address of your thermal printer

  1. Turn off the printer
  2. Connect the printer to the electricity and connect an Ethernet cable from the printer to your wifi router
  3. Press down the Feed button and keep it pressed, then turn on the printer while still pressing the Feed button. After 5 seconds the printer should print a paper with written its current settings
  4. Read the setting paper and find the IP address. The IP address should look like 192.168.y.x
B) Find out the IP address of your wifi router

Your wifi router has two IP address:

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How to add a staff member?
Follow these steps to invite a co-worker to join your restaurant:
  1. Open Waiterio app and login
  2. Scroll right to switch to the STAFF tab
  3. Tap the button INVITE STAFF MEMBER
  4. Enter the email that your co-worker will use to login in Waiterio
  5. Enter the role you want him/her to be granted
  6. Tap the Invite button
  7. Your co-worker should receive an invitation email
  8. The co-worker needs to Sign Up to Waiterio using the same email you used to invite him/her
Multiple Restaurants If the co-workers were already registered into Waiterio they will be now part of two restaurants. Users can choose the restaurant to use during the Login. Users can Logout and Login back in order to switch restaurant. Users can Logout from the most right tab ACCOUNT.
Can I use it offline?
The Waiterio app can be used offline in read-only mode.

It is not currently possible to add new content such as creating a new Order in offline mode.

We do think that the possibility to add new orders in offline mode would be nice.

Unfortunately it is technically very difficult to achieve and we prefer to focus our limited resources into adding and updating more essential features.

We suggest you to get a fast DSL connection and a good wifi router to solve the No Internet Connection warnings.

You can also use a 3G/4G mobile data connection with a sim card on each device or shared through a portable wifi router.
Which printer should I buy?
Waiterio works with any thermal printer that uses the ESC POS protocol. Thermal printers with wifi connection are recommended.

Connection Interfaces

Each thermal printer has one or more types of connection interfaces:
  • Wifi
  • Ethernet cable
  • USB
  • Bluetooth (NOT RECOMMENDED)
  • Parallel (NOT SUPPORTED)
  • Serial (NOT SUPPORTED)

Avoid Bluetooth thermal printers

Blueooth thermal printers should be avoided. Bluetooth thermal printers are cheaper but lose connection very easily. Bluetooth thermal printers are not supported on iOS and many times don't work on either operative systems as well.

Buying online

We recommend to purchase thermal printers on Amazon. The same printer model can have different types of connectivity so it's necessary to check on each ad description the connectivity interface of that specific product sold. It's better to search for "Wifi thermal printer" than by thermal printer model.

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How much does it cost?
All restaurants come with a Free plan that allows up to 100 orders (tables served) per month. In order to take more orders you will need to subscribe to a monthly paid plan. You can find out about the monthly plans available for your currency by navigating to https://app.waiterio.com/plans after having logged in. You can review, subscribe, unsubscribe, upgrade and downgrade from any plan on your own from within the Waiterio app by following these steps:
  1. Open Waiterio app and login
  2. Scroll right until you reach the RESTAURANT tab
  3. Tap on Subscription
  4. You will see all available plans for your currency
  5. You can subscribe/cancel/upgrade/downgrade to a plan by clicking on the green/red button shown at the bottom of each plan

How are orders per month counted:

Each plan allows a certain a mount of orders per month. Only one order is counted for each table served. In other words, if you add items to an existing order it will NOT INCREASE the orders count.

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How to setup a USB thermal printer?
You can print receipts and orders using a USB thermal printer connected to your computer.
  1. Download the latest version of Waiterio:
    Download for Windows
    Download for Mac OS X
  2. Install, open and login into the Waiterio application
  3. Navigate to the PRINTING tab and click on the button ADD PRINTER
  4. Set the protocol field to ESC POS
  5. Set the connection field to usb
  6. Input a name for your printer
  7. Click on the SAVE button
  8. Click on the new printer that just appear in the PRINTING tab
  9. Be sure your printer is turned on and connected to your computer with the USB cable
  10. Click on the button PRINT SAMPLE
  11. If the print fails, follow the additional steps below:

Extra steps on Windows

On Windows you will also need to install the WinUSB driver by following these steps:

Прочитајте остатак питања
How can I add extra toppings?
A topping for a dish is called an Extra within the Waiterio app. You can add an extra/topping to any item of the menu or to an entire category of the menu. For example, if you want to add the extra/topping Olives to the item of the menu Margherita you will have to follow these steps:
  1. Open Waiterio app and login
  2. Scroll right to switch to the MENU tab
  3. Tap on the item Margherita
  4. Tap on the option 'Add new extra' from the popup menu
  5. Enter the name of the extra/topping
  6. Enter the price of the extra/topping. You can enter 0 for free extra/topping.
  7. Tap on the button SAVE
  8. Now you will able to use that extra/topping in any new order

You can add an extra/topping to an entire category of the menu.

You will be able to add that extra/topping to any item of that category in any new order.

You can add extras/toppings that are already part of the menu in any new order

For example, if you have added an extra/topping Olives to an item named Margherita, you can follow these steps to use the extra/topping in a new order:

Прочитајте остатак питања
How to setup a Wifi thermal printer?
You can print receipts and orders using a Wifi thermal printer connected to your computer. This tutorial does NOT cover usb, bluetooth and ethernet cable thermal printers. Wifi thermal printers are not supported from the www.waiterio.com webapp.
Install the app for Android, iOS, Windows or macOS.

Adhoc Wifi or setup application on the CD?

Some Wifi thermal printer create an adhoc wifi network that you can use to provide them with the SSID and password of your wifi hotspot router. Some other Wifi thermal printer must be configured with an application that was available on the CD that came with the printer. Follow these steps to find out if your Wifi thermal printer can be setup using ad adhoc wifi network or using an program from the CD:

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How to add or change the tables?
You can add and change the look of the tables that are shown in the TABLES tab. Follow these steps to edit the tables:
  1. Open Waiterio app and login
  2. Navigate to the TABLES tab
  3. Click on the gear icon that appear on the bottom right corner of the map of the tables
  4. Click on the gear icon that appear on the bottom right corner just below the drawings of the tables
  5. You should be now in the Map screen where you will be able to add tables.
Add a table You can add more tables to the Map of tables. Follow these steps to add a table
  1. Navigate to the Map screen as described in the previous steps of this guide.
  2. Click on the gear icon that appear on the bottom right corner just below the drawings of the tables in the Map screen
  3. Click on Add new table in the popup menu.
  4. The new table will be added on the top right corner
  5. Read the next point to find out how to change the appearance of the new table
Change a table You can change the name, shape and size of tables. Follow these steps to change the appearance of a table

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How can I give discounts?
Waiterio allows you to give discounts to a customers Follow these instructions to give a one-time discount:
  1. Open the Waiterio app and login
  2. Create a new order with some items
  3. Navigate to the ORDERS tab
  4. Click on the icon that looks like 3 vertical dots on the top right corner of the order you created and choose Payment from the popup menu
    NOTE: Users with roles ADMIN, OWNER, MANAGER and CASHIER should see a button PAY on each order that allows them to navigate faster to the Payment screen
  5. You should be now in the Payment screen
  6. Click on the icon on the top right corner that looks like a percentage % sign on an arrow pointing down
  7. You can give a percentage discount (ex 10%) or a fixed discount (ex 5$).
It's currently not possible to create permanent discounts to re-use across multiple paying customers.
How to setup self-ordering with QR codes?
Waiterio allows you to print QR codes to attach to your tables. Customers will be able to scan the QR codes with their smartphones to view the menu and self-order. You can set it up following the steps below,
  1. Open Waiterio app and login
  2. Navigate to the Website tab and click on "Self Order With QR Code"
  3. Click on "Download QR Codes", this will download a .pdf file that contains the QR Codes of all the tables in your restaurant
  4. After downloading the .pdf file, you need to print it using an inkjet printer on an A4 size sticky paper. You can buy sticky paper online by googling "buy A4 sticky paper"
  5. Follow the outlines and cut out the QR code stickers. The printed page contains the room and the table information along with the QR code. The table label at the bottom of each QR Code tells you which table the QR Code represents.
So what happens now? When your customers come in they can scan the QR code on their tables using their smartphones. They can open the native Camera app or download a QR code scanner app. Once they scan the code, they will see your restaurant’s menu and place an order directly on the website. The order is sent directly to the kitchen and your waiters can serve the food when it’s ready.

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How to connect a cash drawer?
Waiterio supports the automatic opening of cash drawers. A cash drawer needs to be connected to a thermal printer with an old telephone cable of type RJ11 or RJ45. A telephone cable of type RJ11 or RJ45 is different from an Ethernet network cable even though they have a similar shape. If your thermal printer has two ports for the cash drawer cable than you should use PORT 1.
How to setup a Bluetooth thermal printer?
You can print receipts and orders using a Bluetooth thermal printer connected to your smartphone or tablet. This tutorial does NOT cover usb, wifi or ethernet cable thermal printers. Currently bluetooth print is only supported on Android devices. The Waiterio app for iPhone and iPads does not support bluetooth printing yet.

A) Pairing

First of all you are going to need to pair your smartphone or tablet to the bluetooth thermal printer.

  1. Turn on your bluetooth thermal printer
  2. Open the Settings app on your smartphone or tablet
  3. Click on Bluetooth
  4. Turn ON the bluetooth
  5. Your smartphone/tablet will scan for nearby bluetooth devices
  6. Click on the name of your bluetooth thermal printer to start the Pairing
  7. Your bluetooth thermal printer should now be listed under Paired devices
B) Find out the MAC address of your thermal printer The Waiterio app is going to need the MAC address of your bluetooth thermal printer. The MAC address of a bluetooth device should be in this format: 01:23:89:ab:cd:ef. On Android you can find the MAC address of your bluetooth device by installing the Bluetooth Address Finder app

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How can I export the reports?
You can export your reports to a file with extension .csv. You can then open the .csv file with any spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel and Numbers. Follow these steps to export the reports:
  1. Open Waiterio app and login
  2. Navigate to the REPORT tab. Only users with ADMIN, OWNER or MANAGER roles can view the REPORT tab
  3. Select a period of time like Today, Yesterday, This Week, This Month
  4. Click on the button Export .csv. On a smartphone this button may appear as a download icon drawn as an arrow pointing down.
  5. Save the .csv file on your device.
  6. Open the .csv file with a spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel or Numbers
  7. On Microsoft Excel follow these extra steps:
  8. Select column A
  9. Click to the Data tab
  10. Click on Text to columns or Convert data
  11. Select Delimited and click on Next
  12. Select Comma and click on ‘Next
  13. Click on Finish
How to synchronize data across multiple devices?
All the data of your restaurant is synchronized automatically across all the smarphone/tablets/computers that have a stable wifi connection and are logged in the same restaurant. Why my orders aren't appearing on some device? An order should appear on every device of your restaurant few seconds after that a waiter has sent it. This is also true for all the changes made to menu and the tables. If your orders aren't synchronizing please read the points below to find out how to fix it. A) Multiple restaurants The first thing to do if your orders or menu aren't synchronizing is to be sure that all the devices of your restaurant are logged in the very same restaurant. Follow these steps to be sure of this:
  1. Open Waiterio app and login
  2. Navigate to the ACCOUNT tab
  3. Click on the Logout button
  4. Log back in the app
  5. If during the login you are asked to choose a restaurant then your user is part of multiple restaurants. You will have to pay extra attention to login in the very same restaurant on all your smartphones/tablets/computers where you are using Waiterio
  6. Repeat the step above for ALL the devices of your restaurant.
B) Unstable internet connection Waiterio requires a stable internet connection in order to synchronize data across all devices. Read the checklist below to discover more about how to have a stable internet connection:

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How can I split payments?
Waiterio allows you to split payments and accept partial payments with different payment methods You may want to split a payment for many reasons:
  • two or more customers wish to pay only a part of the bill
  • a customer wish to pay the bill with two different payments methods (cash and credit card)
You can split a payment following these steps
  1. Open the Waiterio app and login
  2. Create a new order with some items
  3. Navigate to the ORDERS tab
  4. Click on the icon that looks like 3 vertical dots on the top right corner of the order you created and choose Payment from the popup menu
    NOTE: Users with roles ADMIN, OWNER, MANAGER and CASHIER should see a button PAY on each order that allows them to navigate faster to the Payment screen
  5. You should be now in the Payment screen
  6. Click on any item of the order to select it
  7. Selected items should be yellow with a ✓ icon on their left
  8. Click on the green button Pay to continue
  9. Choose a the payment method from the horizontal bar (ex. Cash) and click on the green button PAID WITH CASH
  10. You will see the items you selected appear now as Paid in the Payment screen
  11. Repeat the previous steps to select other items and receive partial payments
Paid items will appear next to a tiny credit card icon in the ORDERS tab

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How can I delete my account?
You can request us to delete your account by contacting us through the live chat in the bottom right corner or by writing us at info at Waiterio dot com If you have an active subscription you will need to first cancel your subscription through the app.

Ресторани који користе систем конобара ПОС

У компанији Ваитерио настојимо да нашим ресторанима пружимо најбољу могућу услугу како би могли да развијају своје пословање.

Упознајте наше врхунске ресторане.

Још увек размишља?

Откријте како ваитерио ПОС систем може да помогне у развоју вашег ресторана.

Пробајте бесплатно